When you think about someone, you usually think about their smile. A smile is a beautiful thing that brings happiness and reflects your personality. That's why it's important to take care of your teeth. Here are some great dental tips that you can use to make sure your smile stays beautiful.
Eat fresh fruit rather than dried fruit to protect your teeth's health. Dried fruit sticks to your teeth, exposing them to more sugar and leading to more cavities. If you must eat dried fruit, make sure to brush, floss and rinse as soon as possible after eating so that you reduce the risk of cavities.
Avoid soda as much as possible if you want to preserve your teeth's health. Soda not only contains a lot of sugar, but also contains acids, which can eat through the enamel on your teeth. Thus, if you drink these carbonated beverages, you are more likely to have cavities.
You must not only remember to keep your teeth brushed, but your tongue needs a good cleaning too. When you eat food, it sometimes collects on top of your tongue which can become a breeding ground for bacteria. This is a cause of bad breath and poor health. More info can be gathered here.
If you suffer from bad breath, there may be an underlying medical condition. To ensure that your bad breath is not from an underlying medical condition visit your dentist and primary care physician. If after finding you have no underlying medical conditions you still have bad breath, consider using a mouthwash after brushing and using breath mints or chewing gum in between brushing your teeth.
Make sure you are brushing your teeth for at least two minutes. Spending more time allows you to eliminate more plaque. By doing it too fast, you may leave debris there which can cause cavities.
Dairy products should be an important part of your diet if you want healthy teeth. Eat foods like yogurt and cheese and have a glass of milk often. Get a calcium supplement if you do not like dairy products or are lactose intolerant. You will notice whiter teeth and you are now less likely to have any cavities.
Eating when you're not hungry not only adds weight, but can also increase your risk of cavities. If you snack throughout the day, you expose your teeth to more cavity-causing bacteria, sugars and acid. Thus, you should eat only when you're hungry in order to protect your dental health.
In order to keep your teeth healthy, try to avoid eating foods high in carbohydrates. These foods, such as candies, chips, pretzels, and pastas, tend to stick onto your teeth and are hard to come off, even when you brush them thoroughly. This is what causes cavities and other dental issues.
If you have a kid that gets cavities frequently, discuss a sealant with the dentist. A sealant is basically a coat that's clear that gets brushed onto the teeth. They last forever, and can prevent children from getting further cavities. It's easy for a dentist to put sealant on.
If you are visiting your dentist for cosmetic reasons, always choose the less invasive treatments. For example is you are choosing between crowns and veneers, always opt for veneers. Veneers only require you to trim back a bit of your tooth, while crowns involve a lot more and are more damaging.
Remember that oral hygiene is more than just white teeth and good breath. The mouth is the gateway to the rest of your body. Bacteria and infections that start here can spread to your heart and liver. A growing number of cancers and cardiac issues are being discovered to have their origins in the mouth.
Your dentist may suggest having your wisdom teeth removed if they are causing pain. Most extractions can be performed very easily in your dentist's office. If a wisdom tooth is infected, you'll have to have it removed; even if it's not infected, it's often a good idea to have it removed if it is causing you pain.
Before the first meeting with your new dentist, confirm that he accepts your dental insurance. If they do, contact the insurance provider to see which services and procedures they cover. This will prevent any unpleasant surprises when you get the bill.
If you have been putting off going to the dentist because you are afraid of what they may find, don't put it off another day. Tooth problems do not fix themselves. You have to go eventually. If you are afraid of the dentist look for one that offers sedation so that you sleep through the entire visit.
Take care of your teeth with these tips. You'll find that they are easy to use, and easy for you to remember to do. Your smile is a big part of who you are, so protect it. Just apply the information laid out here and you'll keep that smile forever.